4 Tips For Choosing The Right Digital Marketing Agency

23 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog


There is no doubt that in today's increasingly high-tech world, virtually every business needs a strong online presence. However, merely having an online presence is not enough to earn the traffic that you need in order to be successful. Therefore, it is a good idea to use the following tips to select the best digital marketing agency, in order to maximize your business and profits. 

#1-Determine What Type Of Digital Marketing Your Company Is Most In Need Of

If you do not have a website at this time, then your first step should be to have one created. In that instance, you will obviously need all of the newest ideas applied to your site. That includes conceptualizing new or improved marketing ideas, search engine optimization and market research, as well as many other important aspects. Regardless of how new your website is, the most appropriate techniques will contribute to your success.

#2-Match Your Needs Against The Strengths Of The Company

Once you are sure of what you need, it is time to speak with a digital marketing company that has specific and varied experience meeting similar expectations. For instance, many digital marketing experts have more experience with search engine optimization and its constantly changing details. Others may focus more on social media and branding. Others may have employees with experience in all of those aspects, but if you do not need everything at this time, you could easily find yourself with a larger bill than you expect.  

#3-Ask For A Breakdown Of All Fees...Not Just A Bill

Given the complexities associated with effective digital marketing, it only makes sense that there are likely to be principles and ideas that you lack familiarity with. Unfortunately, if you are unsure of what you are paying for, you could wind up over-paying. One way to clarify your understanding of their actions taken on behalf of your company is to ask for an itemized bill. Just as your initial contract should list each activity provided by the digital marketing agency, your bill should be similarly detailed.     

#4-Determine How Success Or Failure Is Documented

One of the most obvious reasons to work with a digital marketing agency is to improve and increase your client base which will eventually positively impact your income. As a result, it is necessary to have a way to quantify initial success, before your profit increases. Alternatively, you should be able to access the previous successful results of the company and to do so without infringing on the privacy of the business in question.

Measurable results can be accessed by determining results in any of the following ways:

  • CPL (cost per lead)
  • CTR(Click through rates)
  • Post click conversion rate 
  • Bounce rates (number of prospective clients who visit more than the initial home page)  
  • Abandoned cart figures (number of customers who shop but don't purchase)
  • CPA (cost per acquisition) 

In conclusion, a digital marketing agency will be able to provide the support and assistance that your business needs as you expand your online presence. As a result, it is important to use the above advice as you choose the most appropriate agency for your current and future professional needs.