Improving Your Business' Customer Service By Doing An Organizational Tranformation

9 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog


When a business is not meeting the standards in the profit they had originally had wished to obtain, they can do an entire organizational transformation to increase the amount of sales they make. Taking the time to look into organization innovation can help a business better itself in the long run. Since customer service is such a large part in making money, this should be looked at closely to make changes in parts of everyday operation procedures so the end users' needs are met. Here are some of the steps a business can take to improve its customer service procedures and the way it handles tasks so it starts having a more favorable financial outlook in the future.

Improving Relationships With Customers

If customers are not happy with the product or service they are purchasing, they will most likely not be inclined to give repeat business. This can often be remedied by improving the overall satisfaction a customer has from the time they indicate their interest in buying something. If customer service is favorable throughout the transaction from the initial interest right through to a followup on their satisfaction, they will feel cared for and more likely to have a good relationship with the business. Making sure each employee is on board to give their very best service is key in making and keeping positive relationships with customers. This can be done by holding workshops with employees to help train them how to act and what to say in different instances. 

Improving The Product Or Service

If there is something not up to par with the product the business is selling or the service they are supplying, steps should be taken to make improvements. Changing a product can be done by hiring an engineer or innovative designer. They can offer suggestions in making it more desirable to the general population and can try a trial product to see if interest is met. Service can be improved by giving employees additional training in the fields they are performing work within. Learning new skills often leads to improved overall service, making customers become repeat customers.

Improving The Structural Procedures

If a customer is upset because it takes a long time to reach someone on the phone, hiring extra employees or revamping the phone system may be in order. If a customer finds their products are not arriving quickly, shipping procedures should be looked at in depth. Sending customers a survey can help a business see where they need additional work in making them happy. Hiring an outside service to do an evaluation of the procedures done in the business can also be a great way to see where service is lacking.